Your Hormones

The Ageless Metabolic Cure Vision - The Relationship Between Health, Hormones And Metabolism

Hormones Diagram

The following paragraphs are inspired by the pioneering work of Dr. M Hyman and contain extracts from his incredibly relevant and inspiring scientific research.

We are completely dependent on our hormones for a normal, healthy and balanced life. But, when the hormonal system is out of its natural alignment, that’s when problems occur. Hormonal imbalances can lead to a host of serious health problems, including inflammatory diseases, high blood pressure, heart disease, obesity, cancer, dementia and many more illnesses and serious health conditions. Once we recognise the nature of the problem, here’s how to regain your health by getting your body back into balance.

The hormone and neurotransmitter system is yet another one of the body’s core functions that  we must address in order to prevent disease and boost  our vitality levels.

All of our hormones and our essential brain-messenger chemicals must work together in a finely orchestrated symphony to keep everything in harmony and balance. For example, the hypothalamus and pituitary glands in your brain are the command-and-control centers for all the endocrine (hormone) glands. They send signals throughout the body in order to control everything from your stress response (through your adrenal glands), your blood-sugar balance (through your pancreas), your thyroid hormone (via your thyroid gland), and your sexual function through your reproductive organs. 

They also control growth, sleep, mood and much, much  more.

Neurotransmitters, meanwhile, send messages throughout the body to every cell, organ and tissue and help you do everything from moving your arm to feeling happy or sad. So it’s not hard to see why having an appropriate supply of these chemicals in the right quantities is so essential to our health and well-being.

Indeed, when our hormones become imbalanced, the health consequences can be severe. There are three major hormone-related epidemics in the modern world today: too much insulin (from sugar), too much cortisol and adrenaline (from stress), and not enough thyroid hormone. These all interconnect with and affect the other major category of hormones — our reproductive hormones.

How Do Hormones Relate To Metabolism?

The relationship between hormones and metabolism is very important to understand. Being overweight or underweight affects your hormones and, conversely, your hormones can make it more difficult to maintain a healthy weight.

Hormones And Metabolism

Hormones are chemical messengers that travel via your bloodstream to your tissues or organs. Even a slight hormonal imbalance may have a significant effect on different processes in your body – including metabolism, which facilitates the conversion of what you eat and drink into energy.

Being overweight or underweight can disrupt hormones, making it hard for you to get the nutrients you need. Similarly, people with hormone imbalances may find it harder to lose weight and decrease excess fat. Disrupted hormones make it easier to gain weight and store fat. The disruption also makes it harder to lose the fat as well as affecting where fat tends to accumulate.

The following are some of the hormones linked to the ability to lose weight:


After your fat cells release leptin, the hormone travels to your brain to let your body know you’re full. But when you eat large amounts of fructose – a type of sugar found in fruit and processed foods – the fructose is converted to fat that produces more leptin. When your brain receives too much of this hormone over protracted periods of time, it becomes leptin-resistant. As a result, you don’t get the important switch-off signal that tells you when you’re full.  And that will tend to lead to overeating.


Insulin processes the sugar in your blood and transports it into the cells, where it’s used for energy or stored as fat. Eating too much sugar or carbohydrates and failing to consume enough protein and fiber can increase your levels of insulin, which may lead to insulin resistance or type 2 diabetes.


Cortisol helps to regulate your metabolism and manage stress. Depression, anxiety and digestive issues such as irritable bowel syndrome (IBS) may increase your body’s cortisol production and result in an increased appetite, as well as a greater tendency to store fat in your abdomen.

Thyroid hormones

Produced by the thyroid gland, thyroid hormones help to regulate your body’s metabolism. When you don’t have enough of these important hormones, your metabolism slows down, resulting in weight gain and resistance to losing weight.


In men, abdominal fat can cause estrogen levels to rise, which in turn accelerates further abdominal fat retention. In pre and post-menopausal women, estrogen issues may cause the accumulation of fat around the hips and make losing weight more difficult.


Men’s testosterone levels tend to decrease if they’re obese or under stress. Similarly, low testosterone can make men more likely to develop body fat, including a potbelly.


Dehydroepiandrosterone (DHEA) is primarily produced by the adrenal gland and is also made in the brain. It aids in the production of estrogen and may also help boost metabolism, facilitating fat and weight loss.
Understanding how your body works can help you create a plan for a healthier you. Read on for more information about hormones and weight loss.

Now What?

Knowing precisely how your hormones work within your body – and how they influence everything from your stress levels, your weight, to your emotional state – is a superbly effective way to empower yourself and demystify the many symptoms that many of us experience every day. It’s also the hidden key to taking control of these issues and getting your life back

In order to ensure that you use the natural medicines correctly, we recommend the following supplements that correspond with your level of concern mentioned in your health.

Level 1.No real concern, there is only a need to maintain.

Level 2. Concern and symptom needing solutions 

Level 3. Severe symptoms and some real concerns needing solutions

Level 4. Sever symptoms and serious concerns
(we can provide you with a specialized online functional medicine consultation)