Taking care of your health and wellbeing
05 Oct, 2017

Why don’t more of us believe that we can take care of our health and wellbeing problems? There are countless examples in the world of people opting for surgery rather than dealing with their physical problems with a measure of discipline and a splash of willpower. Many years ago, for example, I met an orthopedic surgeon who stated in the clearest possible terms that most of the back problems that he worked on could be dramatically improved with a simple course in postural correction. But his patients preferred to opt for the risks of surgery, something that our surgeon friend considered as a bizarre sign of madness. We know that we can safely release many back problems without surgical intervention but we still encounter this disturbing attitude that demands that someone else to do the work for us. This also seems to be highly relevant to the world of weight loss.
To be fair, the weight loss industry generates billions of Dollars every year in turnover and it has to be considered as a business. The slimming products, the pills, the powders, the potions all generate a vast amount of revenue. They were not created as a charitable act of goodwill to combat the explosion in obesity rates. They were made to make money. Period. And the marketing efforts that push these products under our noses at every turn may be providing a disservice to overweight people because the answer to natural weight loss is much simpler and a lot less expensive than most people realise.
When we grasp the significance of the latest research into the human metabolism, we can see so clearly that by restricting grain consumption, eliminating sugars and limiting dairy consumption, we can restore a natural balance to our bodies that will trigger extremely effective fat-burning and a quite extraordinary increase in our mental and physical energy levels. This is not some miracle cure that comes in a conveniently packaged bottle of pills or powders. This is your body returning to its natural state of optimum functioning, a perfectly balanced condition where excess fat is burned off and all those nasty side effects such as bloating, skin rashes, discomfort, constipation and a host of other, completely avoidable conditions are eliminated forever.
Rather than buying a lifetime’s supply of ineffective snake-oil cures, a healthy approach to eating well, knowing you can eat as much as your body needs, will promote natural and surprisingly rapid excess weight loss whilst enhancing your health and wellbeing. The miracle is that we truly understand so much more today about how the body really works and we can use that knowledge to restore balance and health to our bodies, quietly, gently, swiftly and efficiently, succeeding without the need for surgery, interventions, starvation diets or crazy diets. That surely deserves the title of miracle!
Discover More about taking care of YOUR Health and Wellbeing here