9 Intelligent Ways to Stop Overeating…especially At Night!
09 Dec, 2017

Beran Parry has written several books about managing eating strategies and has a distinction in Advanced Weight Loss Specialization Subjects. She has helped thousands of patients and readers around the world control their eating through her books and courses on the subject.
1. Why are you doing this…dig deep to find out!
Nighttime eating may be the result of overly restricted daytime food intake, leading to out of control eating at night. This may happen more during the festive season as we over restrict our daytime eating.
People use food to curb emotions such as sadness, anger or frustration, and they often eat more during the festive season with so many emotions getting out of balance.
Some people also tend to eat very large amounts of food in one sitting and feel out of control while they are eating
Both conditions have been linked to obesity, depression and insomnia.
Having a system for mealtimes every single day.
2. Identifying What Triggers Your Out of Control Eating
You will find it very useful to look for a specific pattern of events that usually sets off your eating behavior. Often you will find you are using food to meet a need that isn’t hunger.
Tracking your eating and exercise habits alongside your feelings will help you identify patterns, enabling you to work on breaking any negative cycles of behavior. Write down your feelings once every hour for a period of seven days! Revealing…isn’t it?
Identifying your triggers that determine why you to eat at night will help you break cycles of emotional eating.
3. Use a Regular Eating Planning System
If you’re overeating because you aren’t eating enough during the day, then getting yourself into a more regular eating pattern will help.
Structured eating and sleeping times will help you spread your food intake over the day so that you’re less hungry at night.
Having set times for eating and sleeping can help you separate the two activities, especially if you are prone to waking in the night to eat.
Having a system for mealtimes every single day.
4. Plan Your Meals
As part of your routine, you may also benefit from using a meal plan.
Planning your meals will reduce chances and having a meal plan can also reduce any anxiety about how much you are eating and help you spread your food throughout the day, keeping hunger at bay.
Planning your meals and snacks can help manage your food intake and stave off hunger.
5. Seek Support about the Issues making you need to overeat
A professional can help you identify your triggers and implement a treatment plan.
These plans often use cognitive behavioral therapy (CBT), which has been shown to help with many eating disorders
This also help you find ways to manage negative emotions, which otherwise might lead you to overeating.
Professional help and support can be key to overcoming problematic eating.
6. Learn to De-Stress
If you notice that you eat when you are anxious or stressed, try to find another way to let go of negative emotions and relax.
Research has proven that relaxation techniques can help manage eating disorders such as nighttime eating syndrome and binge eating
Relaxation techniques you may find useful include breathing exercises, meditation, hot baths, yoga, gentle exercise or stretching.
Instead of eating, try to deal with stress and anxiety using relaxation techniques, gentle exercise or stretching.
7. Eat Regularly Throughout the Day
Overeating at night has been linked to erratic eating patterns that can often be categorized as disordered Eating.
Eating at planned intervals when you get really hungry, means you are more likely to make poor food choices and reach for high-sugar junk foods.
The best way of eating for controlling hunger and the amount of food consumed is likely to vary among people
Eating regular meals will prevent you from getting too hungry and will help you manage your cravings and food impulses.
8. Include Protein at Every Meal
Different foods can have different effects on your appetite.
If you eat due to hunger, including plant or animal at every meal may help curb your hunger.
It could also help you feel more satisfied throughout the day, stop you from being preoccupied with food and help prevent snacking at night
Protein is known to keep you fuller for longer. Including protein at every meal can reduce cravings and nighttime eating.
9. Don’t Keep Junk Food in the House
If you are prone to eating high-fat, high-sugar junk food at night, remove it from your house.
If unhealthy snacks aren’t within easy reach, you are much less likely to eat them.
Instead, fill your house with healthy food that you enjoy. Then when you have the urge to eat, you won’t snack on junk.
Both conditions have been linked to obesity, depression and trouble sleeping.
Nighttime eating can be caused by boredom, hunger, binge eating disorder and nighttime eating syndrome. Identifying the cause will help you take the right steps to solve the problem.
Sign up NOW or give a family member a precious gift, and start the 21 day Challenge program in January to permanently Master Your Eating Habits…and…grab this book as a Xmas Gift for someone that needs it today.